this house built cleverly for you and me.
24 May 2002 - 8:51 pm

hello. eva and i are naked, sitting in my room. we decided it would be a good idea to take naked pictures of each other. i put my orange tree on my bed and stood and sat near it. for her, she lay on a piano bench with a cat, in my neighbor's apartment. now jared and julian are here, along with some other sketchy people who just left. but we didn't care. i sat at the kitchen table without any clothes, drawing with colored pencils. julian got us e. we took it. gabe and cory are still out, by the river. i hope they come home soon. donna and i talked today and everything is alright. live out of love, not fear. if you look at what you're doing, think, why am i doing this? is it because i love something, or because i fear something? always choose actions because of love.

this house built cleverly for you and me. (you sound like young love)

my nakedness is surprising. i don't often see my body with nothing on it. how does it look from this angle? eva took a picture of me lying on the couch down on the porch. luckily, no one was walking by at the time. that should be a good picture.

so don't forget to kiss me if you're really going to leave.
couldn't you take the second bus home.
couldn't you just take me with you?

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