love too much, love at all
27 May 2002 - 9:27 pm

thoughts. nothing is good. suicide is a consoling thought but i know i can't, so it's another trap. everything is a trap. people hurt me, but i am unable to hurt others.

i remember everything, the words we spoke on freezing south street.
i sat at my desk looking at the sunset over the west hills, the light hitting my plants, it was beautiful. i thought of all the beginnings. the times when it was so exhilerating. it always seems like such a good idea at the time. i'm gonna give you only one reply, i know not who i am. but i talk in the mirror, to the stranger that appears. our conversations are circles, always one sided, nothing is clear. love too much, love at all. if i could just do one thing. flip something so it's facing the right direction. it sounds so easy. i cleaned my room, is that a start?

but everybody knows it's all about the things that get stuck inside of your head. like the songs your roommate sings or a vision of her body as she stretches out on your bed.

where are you?
love, becky

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