21 September 2003 - 12:13 am

parataxis is a charged instant of language cold on the surface, unexplained underneath. let my courage not abandon me. like two stars hung in a deep wind in space, who appear motionless...

long yellow afternoon, a walk, a drink, dark laughter. one feather lost when i set my bag down and a cat attacked it. one feather stuck behind the calligraphy poster on the wall. one feather lost somewhere between the beach and the car, i don't remember when.

cold silence. i just woke up. i'm going to sleep again. my sheets are pale yellow. my sweater is black. donna says i look like a balthus painting.

the soul rises for many reasons.

he told me he was afraid i would run away. it's true i am good at running away. i can find my escape when i need to. my escape is everywhere. standing on the sidewalk goodbye he called me back to kiss him again, then i turned and walked blocks to the bus stop. just tell me when to escape, i'm ready.

this room looks familiar, i've been here before.

[ past ] [ future ]