It is unacceptable to bite out parts of your face from inside and spit them at the blue nonstop volcano sky.
22 July 2003 - 12:10 am

While I was crying I thought of this:
she said if I did it again, she would leave. And that is exactly. �what. �happened.

I don't believe I will ever see her again. I will, I just don't believe it. It's hard having no conception of the future.

I don't remember why, but I said to Lance: Little kids are smart. They know that having a security blanket works. Have you ever heard of a kid getting eaten by a monster when the blanket was on hand? I haven't.

I need a security object. I'm just a little too rational to make it work... Instead, I carry around my lists of classes and the schedule I made. "Problems in Indonesion Anthropology." "Time and Space." "Chinese Frontiers."

you can only move forward. you can only more forward. you can only move forward.

Details are in bad taste, they expose our infection. Just before becoming infected we invented anthropology to house our details.

[for lovers]

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