it's a question of not letting what we've built up crumble to dust
07 February 2003 - 3:19 pm

harsh extremes or consistency, which is better? today is blindingly sunny with gusts of icy wind--it looks like love but it feels like hate. i prefer the warm, wet, gray days where there is no deception.

this week has been one long read the book get on the bus go to class read the next book. it wouldn't be so stressful except that i know this is probably the easiest week all semester. i've never had 4 reading intesive classes at once. each one requires at least 50, usually more than 100, pages per day. is this humanly possible? no. the goal is to try for the impossible and fail, but end up closer than you would have otherwise. i was starting to get nervous in my signs class, because for the first two weeks we read saussure and some other dense linguistics classics, a crash course for those of us who didn't know the difference between phonetics and phonemics (now i know). the high number of senior linguistics majors in the class was kind of indimidating. on thursday, to my relief, we turned to levi-strauss, and i finally understood the reading enought to talk in class. i never want to be that silent person whose voice you never hear all semester.

my other classes are delightful as well, i just hope they don't kill me. i'm really glad i changed majors. i keep having these little moments of joy when i think of it. the switch from talking to a lot of art majors to talking to a lot of anthropology majors has been refreshing, too. i haven't figured out what the difference between these people is, but there definitely is one.

we are about to embark on a fantastic adventure. love, becky

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