big toy -- human horse dog -- suicide bridge
19 November 2002 - 4:39 pm

so i never got to write about wednesday.... i will just say a few things.... i did acid with a bunch of people at m's house, and it was really really fun. we watched traffic, the wizard of oz, fantasia, and 2001. 2001 is so good.... then sam told us stories about last year, when everything was crazy. i've only talked to him a few times and i didn't realize how great he was, but we talked to him for hours and he's one of the most fascinating people ever... he has all kinds of secrets and knows about everything. (like human horse dog-- he wouldn't tell us what it was)

he told us about this time when he was with m. and 3 girls he didn't know very well... they were doing e and one of the girls completely lost it and couldn't talk or anything, and her friend was really delerious and kept ranting about big toy, she could barely talk but she kept begging everyone to take her to big toy ... so finally they got in the car (2 girls freaking out, m, and s) and tried to find it. she would just point and say yes or no if she thought they were going the right way, so it took them hours to find it... while sam was telling this story he decided that he should take all of us to big toy..

it was 10 am by this point, we were all still tripping and we fit 6 people in sam's car. he made up rules like he wouldn't pass trucks, he refused to drive down certain roads, he wouldn't go in stores, and someone had to hold this little pumpkin he had in the car. first we drove all over the west hills on these tiny winding roads. when we got to big toy we all got out and wandered around and took pictures and looked suspicious.

then sam decided to take us to human horse dog, another secret. it was in another hilly neighborhood--a water fountain that has a drinking fountain, a big trough for horses, and a lower section for dogs to drink out of (human horse dog!).

back and forth along the hills, and we came to suicide bridge, something from another one of sam's stories-- it's a really high bridge over a ravine... there's an observation section in the middle where the sidewalk looks over the ravine, and there are big spikes along the edge (according to sam, so people won't jump off the edge). the funny thing is that most of the spikes have broken off or they're bent over... sam's pumpkin almost commited suicide, but we convinced it not to and interviewed it on m's video camera... wholesome yuppies kept going by on their morning jogs and looking at us funny, 6 insane sleep-deprived kids videotaping a pumpkin...

after that they dropped me and eva off at my apartment and we hung out there most of the day, i couldn't go to class because i could barely walk... so that's my story, and i bet you want to know what big toy is... but i'm not telling.

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