city playground
14 November 2002 - 5:28 pm

this will be short, our phone got cut off so i'm at a coffee shop. donna and i have each called qwest 3 times today, trying to enter in my checking account number and all the silly codes so we can get it turned on, but out of 6 tries none of them worked. just before we left i handed the bill to one of dave's friends, and tried to convince him to call. he actually sounded up for it.

i've been up since 9 am on wednesday (yesterday). it's a long story which i will elaborate when i have more time. all i will say is: we say BIG TOY and fit 6 people into a tiny car careening around hilly roads at 10 am this morning. portland is so beautiful. anyway, i have to go... more later. just wait. oh. my. fucking. god.

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