i'm taking the cure
05 November 2002 - 8:03 pm

i'm hungry. i just missed the last bus home, at 7:44. now i have to wait until 10:15. i'm hungry and i don't feel like buying anything to eat around here. and i don't feel like reading about the french revolution any more. did you know that the revolutionary republic in 1793 invented a new calender system? it had 10 day weeks, 30 day months, and 5 holidays at the end of the year. they tried to abolish religion so there was no sunday, and the months were named after the seasons and weather. they also invented the metric system, which stuck around a lot longer than their calender. i wish i could have been around back when exciting things were happening and people were inventing calenders and government systems and religions.

someone should stop me from doing silly things like ordering weakerthans tshirts off the internet at 2 am. i really don't know. it was only $12 though. i'm in love with john k sampson. (haven't you heard??)

this morning i took the bus to school and managed to be on time for class for the first time in forever. i felt respectable for a moment. usually i burst in out of breath and make a lot of noise getting my stuff out and there's nowhere to sit. we talked about meta-narratives. don't you just wish it were possible? an all-encompassing structure that accounts for everything and and reveals Truth and Beauty and Justice? well you're out of luck (or you were born a century and a half too late). foucault says so. but then he accidentally made his own metanarrative. oops.

so then we were talking about an article by lyotard, and how everything is meaningless because it's futile to search for truth or meaning when none exists, we can't make judgements or be certain of anything, and i was pretty sure we should all just lie down and die... but someone in my class reassured me by saying 'well you don't have to buy his argument. you cannot not do anything. you cannot not look for meaning. everything we say refers to a metanarrative. even saying everything is meaningless.' we can create things that are meaningful within this context... it's funny, whenever people start getting upset about some extremely depressing article, that guy always jumps in and tells us we don't have to buy it.

guess what-- crazy things are happening. but i can't tell.

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