having looked for a hollow among the thickest pines, we make a fresh camp there. the wind blows on us, and we, rather tired, lie down and keep listening to the rustling pines until we fall asleep.
23 September 2002 - 6:10 pm

it's not often that a class leaves me completely speechless with awe. my anthropology class today was one of those. i stayed up most of last night reading the crow indians by robert lowie, a really detailed cultural portrait of the tribe in the 30s when lowie studied them. i was getting really absorbed by all their tribal clans and divisions and kinship systems and ritual wife kidnapping, and i was starting to see how they all related. but my professor started off by drawing this incredibly intricate kinship diagram on the blackboard, and explained all these really interesting (to me) terms and relationships, and then connected that to the custom of a man's clubmates making fun of him when his wife dies, and then showing how all the various tribal divisions have this meta-structure and how they illustrate the values of the tribe, and how that all relates to how a man attains honor in war!!!! i was amazed..

the crow indians are really awesome, too. i'm glad i didn't sleep last night and almost finished the book instead. the professor was asking lots of questions and i was the only one who remembered all these little details from the book. i felt kind of bad but no one else was saying anything..

after that i went to the darkroom and developed one of the rolls of film from last night and IT WORKED! thank fucking god. i was going to kill myself if i had to redo all those pictures again. it wasn't the picture taking, but all the things i set up in the house for each picture that was so hard and time consuming. i thought maybe i was damned for life never to develop a successful roll of film again. i haven't printed any pictures yet so they might suck, but at least they're there.

i'm starting to get really tired now but i have to wait for the night bus so i can save a dollar. i guess i'll go to the library and read about art things. art art art art art art art.

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