beneath it is all dark, it is all spreading
22 September 2002 - 8:09 pm

yesterday was the craziest day in a long time.

first m.'s bad tooth started abscessing. it's been bad for a while but he doesn't have insurence so he never did anything about it. but it got really bad and his cheek swelled up really big and he passed out from the pain and stopped answering his phone. so all of his weird friends were coming over here looking for him.

brian had to come over to talk to dave, and he was with this guy nate that we don't really know. nate had taken some pill, he didn't know what it was, and then had a lot of alcohol. so brian dragged him up here, and the poor kid was so fucked up he couldn't focus his eyes and almost passed out on the floor. he was using his shoe for an ashtray, and he thanked donna and dave for coming to his party. for a while he could barely move and his heart was beating really really slow, and he asked to smell something like flowers, so they held some scented lotion under his nose. eventually he got better and they left....

then i got home from the library. the e-reserves library system was completely down so i couldn't do half of my homework. donna and dave were sitting at the kitchen table looking dead and they told me about everything. about 10 minutes later, dave's phone rang and it was jack freaking out.

elly had called jack from denver and told him that she had talked 25 valium and all her anti-depressents and all the other pills she could find in the house, and she was calling to say goodbye and that she was sorry. she was home alone. he tried to convince her to call 911 but she wouldn't, so he hung up and called 911 in portland. and the fucking idiots said they couldn't help him because it was in another city. (i can't believe that they didn't even give him a phone number). so jack was completely hysterical and didn't know what to do. dave got online and found elly's college website to get her home address and phone number, then he found the number for 911 in denver, and called and told them what happened and they sent emergency people to her house. about 10 minutes later they called back and said that she had overdosed but she was going to be ok, and that dave had saved her life. later we found out that she had been seizuring and she's on a ventilator now. they don't know if she'll have brain damage or not, but she's definitely going to live.

after that we just sat there for a while. it was so lucky that dave had answered his phone, and that we knew elly's last name, and everything. we couldn't believe all the crazy things that had happened and then someone asked if it was a full moon or something, and it was, according to the calender. one of elly's friends came over and we had to tell him about it.

everything is really surreal. everyone is on the edge today. right now i'm replicating the photography project i did on wednesday, because my camera was broken. i'll probably be up all night because i have to read 170 pages about the crow indians for anthro...

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