fuck you fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
19 September 2002 - 4:17 pm

i hate my photo teacher sooooooooo much. today in class i developed the film from last night, and none of it turned out. i showed it to my teacher and he said my camera must be broken, because i developed it right. then, instead of being sympathetic to me because i just lost 7 hours of work, he proceeded to criticize me and treat me like i was 2 years old. "we're three weeks into the class and you haven't produced anything yet. we need to find a way to get you working on something." (he only gave us the assignment a week ago.) and he somehow made it sound like it's my fault i didn't know my camera was broken, as if i was slacking off or something. the last roll of film i shot worked, so how was i supposed to know? he kept going on and on about how i needed to get started on the assignment (it's not due for 2 1/2 weeks). then he asked me what i had taken pictures of last night, and while i was explaining my idea he made condescending comments about everything i said. i was so upset about losing all my work that i thought i was going to cry so i walked out of the room and went in the bathroom and cried for 15 minutes. my body is all worn out from staying up all night (doing the fucking assignment) and i couldn't stop sobbing.

when i came out, he had a camera for me to borrow (the one nice thing he did today). while he was explaining how to use it he didn't seem to notice that my eyes were red and i kept choking on my breath. he said i had to go walk around campus and take 36 pictures in the remaining 20 minutes of class. i only had 17 done when i came back, so he lectured me about the value of wandering around taking pictures of things. and i wanted to scream "i know! that's what i do all the time! but i only had 20 minutes and i didn't feel like taking pictures of crap that i didn't care about." he made me go outside the building and take 15 pictures of whatever i could find in 3 minutes. then he told me over and over that i had to have 2 rolls shot and some pictures developed by tuesday, after i had already told him that i was going to do that. whenever he talks to me he has this horrible smirk on his face, like he's one step ahead of me and he just wants to prove me wrong about everything. god i fucking hate him. die die die die die die.

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