save me
01 May 2002 - 4:54 pm

i need to get away. �farfarfarfarfar. �if i drink enough coffee maybe i'll leave and go somewhere.

i want to go hide. �it's too much. �i can't stand being needed. �what's so great about me anyway? �it makes me nervous. �i can't be responsible for someone else's emotions. �i just want to sit in an anonymous cafe in the corner and look out at people and not talk to anyone and drink coffee. �is that too much to ask? �i feel like i'm going to explode. �why am i so sensitive to being tied down all of a sudden. �i want freedom, all the time. �it makes me squirm to think that someone is watching me. �help?

i'm going to lock myself in a box with some books and fruit and never come out. �let's get a collective case of amnesia and start over, in different places and facing different directions.

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