a tribe lost by finding it
19 May 2002 - 9:41 pm

i just got back from a bar, with chris and jared. �next to chez what on alberta st. �i drank and smoked and wrote in my diary and smiled at men at the bar. �i feel glowing today. �i woke up late and went to the red & black with gabe and cory. �i drank coffee and read anne carson. �when i got back i sat on the porch for a while with andy and people. �i think i create tension for my own enjoyment.

never satisfied, constant desire. �trying to be satiated by what i am given, but never enough. �it is an uncomfortable, distracting feeling. �like my skin doesn't fit quite right. �and i can't stop thinking about it. �and every contact puts me in euphoria, but mixed with pain. �it will end in minutes, hours. �i have a singularity of intent.

sin�gu�lar�i�ty n.
Astrophysics. A point in space-time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted.
Mathematics. A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists.

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