let me go on
14 May 2002 - 9:07 pm

you always say that anyone could be just like me, if it was a different time and a different place to be, you would go on.

"among human beings, only the existence of those we love is fully recognized. �belief in the existence of other human beings as such is love. �the mind is not forced to believe in the existence of anything. �that is why the only organ of contact with existence is accepance, love. �that is why beauty and reality are identical. �that is why joy and the sense of reality are identical."
������[simone weil, gravity & grace]

i feel like i'm floating. �the world was glassy and two-dimensional today. �the trees touching me and flowing over me in waves. �oh, just let me fall. �please. �i forgot how to breathe.

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