driving around up and down division street.. i used to like it here...
24 October 2003 - 9:59 pm

lance and i made a suicide pact but then thought the better of it. right now he and andy and sam are smoking and drinking in the kitchen. it's funny. boys. andy and sam grew up just blocks apart but never knew each other. born and raised SE PDX.

donna passed out as soon as she got here. i still don't know if she will ever forgive me. i don't think so. i am beyond 2nd chances, 10th chances, last chance.

emails from san francisco are comforting and bring me back to reality. i let andy read his typed letter (i hope you don't mind, if you're reading this) he liked it, said it was well written. we weren't sure what he meant about being untouchable. then he laughed at me for being in love and told me not to kill myself.

sam said there are three people who will die this week. elliott smith. and two others. maybe the one he just talked to, the one who hates/loves me. i'm afraid he will die.

it's funny, i'm dictating these events as they happen. i don't feel like talking to more than one person right now. now lance is doing his spoken word stuff and beating on the table. we're trying to wake up donna to get some phone number that has become extremely important.

now sam is throwing things at me. a lighter. maybe i will crawl back into my blanket fort. it's looking kind of inviting. i put on the straw hat and lance made me punch him and then he made me pick him up just to see how strong i was. i'm strong. then he picked me up and spun me around.

becky is a great hug dealer. she deals hugs by the ounce. i am merely typing what others say.

goodbye don't forget to write.

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