you come to a wall and it unfolds
14 March 2003 - 12:50 am

I am standing on the edge of something vast and breathtaking. I pick up the corners of life and peer underneath and this fantastic tangle consumes me with vertigo. I am the one who was lost in the crowd, whom the spinning lights made dizzy.

I'm always curious and fascinated by new experiences, glimpses into another world. I like realizing how atypical my life is -- but more importantly, how atypical everyone's life is. So many universes. But keep it strange. Those three things. Below the surface of what one person can perceive is a labyrinth unfolding. Move delicately through the tricky interlocking pieces of the puzzle. Or: fall feet first with your eyes closed. This precarious precipice won't stay still long enough for me to back away even if I wanted to.

We have the assurance that, come what may, the universe is full. Stars and blossoming fruit trees: utter permanence and extreme fragility give an equal sense of eternity. (simone weil)

New Subject: I think my social anxiety is getting a teeny tiny bit better. Today before class I was talking to someone and I said something in a way that reminded me of the way I acted in high school. I didn't used to be afraid of people. And when I heard myself say something free and easy the way I could years ago, it gave me a little hope. But just a little. There are so many conversations I have in which I almost faint from anxiety; my brain freezes and I forget how to form sentences out loud. It's worst at school. Hanging out with people elsewhere is sometimes difficult, but I can stand it. And of course, I love talking to strangers (see above).

amaranthine: Of, relating to, or resembling the amaranth.
amaranth: An imaginary flower that never fades.

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