it's the mood that i'm in, that left us back where we began
15 December 2002 - 3:43 am

an uneventful night, soon i will sleep... many random people came over. sam, who enjoyed my pictures of him with the rotting pumpkins. and he said he would put our bikes inside (they're still at m.'s house from thanksgiving). then some other people i hadn't seen in a while, one of whom is very annoying so i hid. drugs came. we tried insufflating morphine (points if you know what that means), but for some reason it didn't work. so then we ate some other opiates, which worked, in a mild tingley sort of way. in a way that made me write *big toy* with a sharpie on everything that happened to be on the kitchen table. (and my stomach). but in a creative way. *valid for boarding until big toy*. now i'm just itchy.

the vote that has been the most helpful is from "far from here". i agree strongly. my only other concern is that majoring in anthropology would involve at least twice as much work and effort and stress. because it's new to me, and it involves a huge shift of everything in my life. art doesn't even seem like work anymore, i could finish college so easily, in comparison. and so much less reading. at a school like mine, the amount of work you put into everything is phenomenal, and it would be so much worse if i did anthro. it's scary. i guess i'll see how i feel when my papers are done, i'll see which one i liked more. except what i'm writing about for art history is more like anthro, i'm researching public housing projects of different architectural styles and their effects on people. can architecture convey a political message? can it change the quality of people's lives, or their morals?

and i'm not too worried about the paper now. not just because i'm high. but because i read over the question again earlier, and the way it's worded makes everything i've been researching fall neatly into place. the question actually works better for architecture than art, i think. damn, i'm itchy.

donna loves you if you can identify the source of the title to this entry. now i'm getting staccato vision and there are gusts of wind hitting the window.

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