the radiant city
14 December 2002 - 6:32 pm

thank you for voting. those who haven't voted yet please do so.(art/anthropology). i will ponder your opinions and my friends' opinions and then make a random decision based on the weather.

some people around here, neighbors and such, are having a "party" tonight. I think that means they're buying a lot of alcohol and/or drugs. I have a hard time turning things down when they're free and given to me, and i don't know if i feel like resisting. I've been reading about architecture for 3 days. I could start writing right now, but i'm tired. I am not a machine for living. or a machine for writing.

School is technically over, I don't have class until february. I just have to write 30 pages between now and saturday. But it's kind of like vacation, I get to stay here all day in my pajamas reading while donna buys me snacks from the grocery store.

now we're sitting around talking and it's pulling on me. (i always used to ask people 'but what does that feel like, in your body?') pulling. the one thing i can't do. i can do the others but i don't like them as much. now she's suggesting things to me. tempt not a desperate girl with a lot of homework.

bye bye

p.s. to little jimmy. please identify yourself so i can ask you, why would i regret it? that's what i'm afraid of. and i agree that i want to learn about lots of things, the infinite variety of human experience....

9:30, still waiting. my new favorite webpage: i love it! i am trying to research this modernist housing development in tehran, called ekbatan, but there is absolutely no information about in on the internet-- no history, architect, builder, nothing. most sites that mention it try to divert attention away from the concrete monstrosity and towards the quiant mosques and artifacts nearby, remnants of earlier times that were not lost to modernization. i read this fascinating article about the housing development in cabinet and i wanted to use it for my paper, i guess i will anyway although my background information is sparse. long live hulking concrete housing projects! (where are the drugs?)

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