in praise of character in the bleak inhuman lonliness
11 December 2002 - 8:50 pm

i have been reading about postmodern architecture since 4. i wish i lived in a building i designed. or a commune. or both. i am writing my art history paper on postmodern vs. modern architecture and whether either is reactionary or revolutionary and why etc etc etc. i got an extension on my humanities 8-10 page paper, until next saturday which is 2 days after the college's deadline for all class work, but my professor said it was ok. so now i have until monday to do my art history 8-10 page paper, and until next thursday for anthro. a little easier.

another short term benifit of changing majors: i could take this anthro class next semester on communism in the USSR, what it was like and what effect it had on the people. i would really like to know about that.

my parents are coming in a week and a half, and i keep trying to look at portland through their eyes. it's hard. they've been here before, twice. do they think it's as beautiful as i do, or does the rain seem dreary? i can see it either way, when i'm pretending to be them. what do they think of my apartment? is it a depressing tenement? i think it's lovely and warm and i like the cluttered art all over the walls. i'm going to have to scour the place before they come and hide all the things they shouldn't see. worlds colliding.

i wore my purple corduroys today, the article of clothing i have had the longest, i got them when i was 15. they have 4 patches and are constantly on the brink of falling to pieces.

today my humanities professor brought us gourmet cupcakes, i ate 2 while we talked about the fetishization of the commodity. tomorrow my anthro class is going to hang out at the professor's house, i'm excited about that, he's going to feed us. they give us food to make us think we aren't in hell. i'm dreading writing papers, 27 pages total. i don't think i've ever written a paper with no drugs, i usually had coffee.. i might have to resort to that again. i don't enjoy sober paper writing.

dave is scrubbing a potato. we have been cooking a lot lately-- french toast, muffins, and several dishes involving potatoes, which are cheap. we traded drugs for cooking.

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