my boyfriend's back, he's gonna save my reputation
10 December 2002 - 12:35 am

i spent 5 hours in the darkroom today listening to the oldies station and making deranged photos. the photos weren't that bad, it was what i was writing on them that made them kind of scary. i don't know what got into me. we were supposed to re-do one of our previous assignments for tomorrow's critique, but i didn't feel like it, so i printed a bunch of random pictures of my friends and wrote strange things on them. 4 rolls of film. i think the more drugs i'm on, the more pictures i take. they usually end up really good. my favorites are the ones of lily, wearing underwear, a sweater, and a scarf, standing next to the window with the curtain parted and the morning light streaming in on her. she looks pretty.

i talked to my anthro teacher today, and apparently it is completely possible for me to switch majors, somehow. i would have to take 2 sociology, 2 history, and 5 anthro classes, and i have enough room left, i'd just have to take some of them during my senior year while i'm writing my thesis. so since both are possible, i have to decide instead of being forced into a decision by fate or misfortune. i'm so bad at making decisions. dave and donna said "be an anthro major!" but when i expressed concern that perhaps this is just a phase where i'm getting bored with art, dave said "oh yeah, that always happens to me, i remember when i wanted to be a religion major..." (he's biology). so that was not encouraging. when you've done something all your life and always expected to continue doing it in college and adulthood, partially because you couldn't find anything better to do, and then you find something better-- what next? i always thought the things i was really interested in didn't fit into any academic subject, so i would just have to think about them on my own, and major in art because it comes naturally to me-- until i took this class and found out that anthropology is what i'm actually interested in. gosh.

it rained today. i was wearing my leaky black converse with holes in the bottom, since it hasn't been raining at all. and then it rained, and my feet got soaked. i was waiting for the bus with water dripping off my nose, when dan walked by, whom i haven't talked to for a long time, and he randomly offered me a ride, so i was able to escape the rain. when i got home, donna and dave were just finishing their clothes shower. that's right, they took a shower with their clothes on. donna tried to explain that it started because they were standing in baking soda in the bathtub...

i love you..

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