you say she's waiting and i know what for
23 November 2002 - 5:50 pm

i collect experiences... this one involved lying around in the neighbor's apartment in a dream listening to pretty music and playing with cats. i woke up this morning covered in cold sweat, pale and white, my legs shaking as i sat on the toilet. i thought i might vomit but i didn't. after 10 minutes talking to dave and donna i felt so weak i crawled in bed with them and fell asleep again. after a few hours i woke up and thought i was better, but a few minutes later i got weak again and went back to sleep. i just woke up, and ate something right away in case i was weak from hunger. now i feel better but i wasted the whole day...

on thursday night donna's friend came over and we drank a few bottles of wine and talked. he knows a lot about citrus plants, and he told me that my orange trees aren't really orange trees, one is a kumquat and one is a kind of fig tree! (silly fred meyer labels were wrong. that's what you get for buying plants there i guess.) after donna and i got drunk we started talking about things that seemed to make her friend a little embarrassed. i guess he got an accurate picture of life in this apartment, if that's a good thing.

well, i'm going to go take a shower and do things since i'm finally awake..

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