oranges and lemons
11 November 2002 - 10:38 am

the universe provides: a cupola "guest nook" with bump-your-head ceiling, cats, and a mattress next to a row of windows. the colors outside this morning were red and green and wet. where i'm going i don't know...

quote from photo midterm evaluation: "You really outshined the rest of the class with your second piece, and I was very pleased with it." hooray! hoorayhooray! i don't care about outdoing my (4) classmates, but he said something nice!! now i think i can officially stop being afraid that he hates me. i just have to come up with some work before class tomorrow... if only the assignment were to take pictures of autumn leaves.

time to go to class... it's amazing how when you get up early you aren't late for everything. i should try this more often.

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