05 October 2002 - 5:35 pm

it's foggy and wet outside. i feel like going to a coffeeshop to do my homework because it would be so cozy. but i get more done at the library. i've been avoiding things all day... when you clean half the house as a way to procrastinate you know something is wrong. i have another paper due on monday and i haven't finished the reading for it yet.. and i have so much reading for my other classes. i think even doing the other reading would seem fun right now compared to working on that paper. i hate papers.

someone was knocking, i let d. in and told him he could try to wake dave up. he asked "oh, was he being bad last night?" i said i didn't know. he said "were you being bad last night?" "no..."  "are you going to be bad tonight?" i wasn't sure what to say to that. am i?

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