anthropology 211, paper #1
03 October 2002 - 8:55 pm

if anyone feels like writing a paper for me...

Topic: Using the example of EITHER the Crow institution of wife capture OR the Crow category of the "father", evaluate Benedict's presentation of the "complex interweaving of cultural traits" (1934:37) and the "interpenetration of different fields of experience" (1934: 39). To what extent do these Crow cultural features present a confirmation of, or challenge to, Boas and Benedict's notion of "universal" ideas and traits as classifiable and comparable features?

Suggestions: Be as creative as possible in identifying empirical and theoretical connections upon which Lowie has not explicitly remarked. Build your arguments out of concrete ethnographic details.

Papers should be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point font. They should include full references and parenthetical citations.

love, becky

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