Dies irae, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla: Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
11 September 2002 - 5:15 pm

today is the anniversery of sept. 11. the death of postmodernism (according to a bunch of articles i read.) well, here is a postmodern requiem.

last year, a few hours after it happened, carlos went to the hardware store, and came back and built an interactive memorial on the front lawn at reed. it was a 6 foot tall model of the world trade center, made of wood and covered with canvas, and he left markers there so people could write things on the canvas. it was there for a few days. this year, he brought back the canvas part and spread it out on the lawn so we could read what people wrote last year. i wrote down some of the things, and i'm just going to list them here.

postmodernism: [ a de-centering of the ego through artist/viewer interaction. cultural leveling through juxtapositions. a reaction to the barrage of cultural stimuli around us. a collage of thought. ]

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don't politicize human suffering.

long stand our symbols of capitalist virality.

let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

there is no right way to live.

i don't even know what to say. my heart goes out to you all.

there has been enough death.


forgive me: like this tower my heart is stone rubble, and my thoughts are bloody.

lets all strap tvs to our sides.

for as long as space endures, and for as long as living beings remain, until then may I, too, abide to dispel the misery of the world.

thought viruses, not bombs.

division only brings people farther apart.

it is my hope that we can mourn this loss without creating more needlessly.

time will heal me. time will make me whole.

everyman is me, I am his brother. no man is my enemy, I am everyman and he is in and of me. this is my faith, my strength, my deepest hope, and my only belief.

I, plunging at the hunters, cornered and desperate, in the Mannahatta, streets, piers, shipping, storehouses, and the countless workmen working in the shops. and I too of the Manahatta singing thereof and no less of myself than the whole of the Manahatta in itself, singing the song of these my ever-united lands. my body no more inevitably united, part to part, and made out of a thousand diverse contributions. one identity any more than my lands are inevitably united and made one identity. --walt whitman.

we have no enemies, only brothers and sisters in suffering.

weightless, these words, ourselves, loosed from our moorings we are.

everyone hold your breath.

"they vainly purify themselves with blood when defiled with it, as if a man who had stepped into mud were to wash it off with mud." --Aristocritus.

there is a time for all things, and a time to end all things.

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[ translation of latin title (from mozart's requiem): day of wrath, day of anger, will dissolve the world in ashes: grant them eternal rest, lord, and let perpetual light shine on them. ]

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