you breathe in 40 years of failing to describe a feeling
09 August 2002 - 12:17 am

$40 in tips today. paycheck. $337 in the bank. money piling up. one week of work = one month of living this semester. choosing classes. should i take psychology, anthropology, or sociology? (must choose one, for a group requirement.) the majority of people i asked said anthropology. then, painting, photography, humanities 220. that $200-$300 per month has to cover books and paints too, and art supplies are so expensive. everything will work though.

today i was riding down the hennipen bike land, stopped at a red light, when i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned around and carlos was right behind me, on his bike. we rode along together for a while. i was complaining about how i'm afraid to ride on the nicollet bus mall (no bikes 6 am - 6 pm) cause i saw other people getting ticketed for that. in mid-ride, he pulled a shiny yellow plastic thing out of his bag and handed it to me. it's a bicycle messanger id thing, so they can ride on the mall and not get stopped. he said they gave him two, so i could borrow one. you stick it in the spokes of your wheel. so now i have special rights.

movie night is taking place on the other side of the wall, but with the entire room of people smoking, i was starting to choke so i came in here and shut the door. i get tired of watching movies sometimes, and there are so many movies watched here, every day. i couldn't hold back my industriusness and my housewife instincts so now gabe's room is clean again, for a split-second. floor!

dan says he'll help me paint my bike this weekend, after hours at the bike shop he works at. i want it to be black. he says we have to take apart the whole thing, which sounds really tedious, but oh well. my grandma used to say "if you want to be beautiful, you have to suffer". or, if you want your bike to be beautiful, you have to suffer.
love, becky

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