as the pattern becomes more intricite and subtle, being swept along is no longer enough
14 July 2002 - 1:14 am

i had a quiet day at my parent's house, reading newspapers and books and eating half a watermelon, and listening to "this american life" (yum). i'm reading the biography of che guevara, which is really good, at least for the moment. i can't seem to stick to one book.

i've been thinking that i should be doing more with my time. for example, i read too many magazines. what if instead of reading some of those magazines i spent more time walking around, or talking to people, or listening to tango music? what if i completely replaced one activity in my life with a more valuable one? all the time i spend on the internet will now be transfered to time spent reading spanish poetry. or the time i spend sitting with a group of people, not talking, half-listening to a conversation i'm not really interested in. what if whenever that happened i got up, went in the next room, and practiced drawing my hand, or tried to build something useful out of the things in the recycling? i guess i do things like that sometimes, but i should do it more. there's no reason to watch when you could be doing.

my dad and i rented "waking life" tonight, it was extremely good, you should watch it. (the title of this entry is a quote from the movie, if i remember it correctly). i wish i didn't know if i were dreaming or awake...

love, becky

ps, i'm not pregnent! (again. i must be infertile or just really lucky. but that's no excuse for being careless...) i get to start taking birth control pills again tomorrow so then i won't have to worry. who knew a month without the pill would be so annoying... i love you, pill!

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