the bracelet of heartbreak
06 July 2002 - 12:32 am

i'm at natalie's apartment in chicago.. every room is painted a different color, and everything is beautiful. virginia and i and natalie's roommates have been sitting around talking for a while.. natalie is asleep. apparently the clerk at the corner store just got killed, kitty just got back and told us about it. that's kind of scary... we were thinking of going there to get something. oh well. i guess we'll stay in tonight... today my mom and i visited my aunt in oak park and then my whole family went out for lunch with my grandpa. the usual small talk. i can't really seem to relate to most of my family anymore, if i ever could..

natalie and virginia keep trying to convince me to hitchhike to new york with them, virginia has to go there for her trial, she was arrested at a protest a while ago.. and i really want to go with them because there's a gauguin exhibit at some museum in new york. but i have no money. sigh. but minneapolis will be fun too.

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