16 June 2002 - 11:15 pm

yesterday i was in brannon and morgan's film. they dressed me up in a black dress, black wig, and scarf. we walked all over SE and they filmed me in the rose gardens and by warehouses. i didn't have to talk or do anything, just walk around. i hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, and i didn't have my contacts in so i couldn't see anything. it was strange. after i got home i slept for 14 hours.

the night before, friday, i did e at this guy's house, with some other people. he had christmas lights in the basement and he played music for us. in the morning he disappeared so we had to figure out where we were and how to get home on a bus.

today i slept and rode my bike around.. i got a pregnancy test cause i never got my period last week, but i'm not pregnant... good. i also got fruit and oatmeal to eat. and i rode past the scary house on 33rd and market, where someone died. the big dumpster was full of mildewed stuff again, but none of it was that interesting, except i found another bike wheel to add to my collection.

love- becky

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