i love my bike/ i love portland
04 March 2002 - 10:13 pm

just got back from design class.  i took the steel bridge/ eastside esplanade route again.  it is very peaceful compared with riding all the way through downtown to the hawthorne bridge.  riding across the steel bridge is so beautiful, looking through the metal structure to the red broadway bridge.  today there was a huge ocean liner docked along the river between the two bridges.  it was black and the inside was white and the light shining on it was lovely.  i wish i'd brought my camera.

i get such enormous satisfaction out of riding my bike.  i guess i'm just easy to please.  but it's one thing i can think of that is purely beautiful-- physically, visually, technically, environmentally.  the views i get of the city are breathtaking, unencumbered by a car roof or reflective windows... exercise makes me feel alive... i'm totally in control of where i go and how fast and if i'm overwhelmed i can pull over on the sidewalk.  i can breathe the sweet air and know that i am contributing a moment of quiet to the street: as i float by silently the plants thank me.

in case anyone reading this is unclear on the matter or is new to my life, i wanted to clarify that i really really really really love portland, oregon.  i guess there's not much more i can say on that issue.  but riding my bike to class today that was all i could think of.
i was thinking that i should make some nice stickers that say 'i love portland' and put them everywhere, or start a website about how wonderful portland is, or something.  maybe i should have sent it a valentine.

love, becky!

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