old world
03 April 2002 - 2:46 pm

i got off the bus from vancouver at 5 am on monday, walked down 5th to catch the division bus and noticed all the new little leaves and buds on the trees. �and yesterday was the most beautiful day ever! �i rode my bike for the first time in a few weeks, since i was sick and went to vancouver. �it was really nice. �i wasn't even that out of shape, i guess from walking so much in vancouver. �i rode to the S park blocks and took some nice portraits of my bike in the sun. �then i got some zines at reading frenzy and read them outside, before i had to go to my photography class.

in the past 5 weeks i have spent 2 weeks in vancouver and 3 in portland. �i'm starting to get confused... i really like it there.. especially the diversity... even in the hipster coffee shops there were people of all races-- african, asian, indian, etc, and all ages, talking to each other. it just seemed so different than in portland, especially in SE where i live, it's so white and calm and pristine.
on commercial drive i would look into all the dingy cafes as i passed them, and see things that reminded me of being in spain... old men drinking coffee and eating sandwiches, talking or watching soccer on tv. �where do the old men hang out in portland?
and all the fruit markets crowded with people.. that reminded me of spain too. �i guess it all just reminded me of an old world city... the way american cities used to be too. �it seemed to be alive, people always out on the streets, lots of independent businesses, a feeling of serendipity.

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