my arm's got a death in it
09 June 2003 - 8:49 pm

today was my last day of reunions work. i helped take down the caliigraphy exhibit and talked a lot with the lady who organized it. she lives in berkeley and makes her living doing design and lettering. anyone who has a steady job doing something they love, especially when they live in berkeley, makes me so jealous, or rather, scared that i'll never have a life like that. i picture myself in a lifetime of minimum wage restaurant jobs.

now that i have the days free, tommorrow i'm going to go out all day and not come home until late, like 10 or 11. i have not proven capable of resisting temptation so i must remove myself from the area. it's been 4 days now. i have to not do it tomorrow. it's always in the late afternoon when i give in. i am so stupid.

so, things to do:
figure out insurance and call therapist
ride bike to bike shop and get it repaired
get coffee at powell's and read newspapers
go to art supply store to get pens
go to washington park if it's warm
look for jobs! i'm not hopeful, i don't think there are any..
wander until late at night...

so here are some pictures of me, from c's new digital camera! they're from yesterday when we went to that river, and today outside the red and black. i would post some pictures of him but he's incognito.

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