fill the bathtub with ice, hope this fever will break
22 March 2003 - 10:16 am

a voice said, hidden on the wind said, get out again, get out while you can, and you're gone away for awhile.

i posted pictures of san francisco if you haven't seen them already.

i just woke up. i'm reading the ny times online. it's pretty depressing. quotes like this make me want to puke:

Anne Alexander, 27, a Republican of Rushville, N.Y., said: "It's quite obvious they have weapons of mass destruction. If we would have kept putting it off, we would have done a Clinton, and it would have been 10 more years before we actually invaded, and by that time we would have ended in more trouble than we needed to be."

what the FUCK????? WHY does the U.S. need to invade them at all?? i think someone should invade us, since we have way more weapons of mass destruction than any other country, and we've shown that we can use them...

but then, sometimes i feel like i'm in outer space looking at the earth. someday everything will be over and something new will be born. when magazines and newspapers use the words "earth" and "world," i don't think they really understand. like "the best _____ on earth!" the earth is this tiny planet floating around. at the same time, it's everything for us. but whatever happens here has to be right, because it's all there is... there is no example of some place to which we could compare ourselves, where leaders don't fight with each other so much. the pure and remote view.

read this. "A classified State Department report expresses deep skepticism that installing a new regime in Iraq will foster the spread of democracy in the Middle East..."

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