never got cold wearing nothing in the snow
29 January 2003 - 11:46 pm

it's one of those "i'm in love, but i don't know with what" moments. how does it feel? good. it's like breathing in a wave of memories. the last 7 months of my life. the smell.

imagine that you are somewhere you've never been before. someone offers you a ride to somewhere you've never heard of. you agree, and get in their car. you don't know them, and you aren't sure where you're going, but you feel at ease, and relax in the backseat, while the driver and another passenger talk to each other. the music on the radio is vaguely familiar but you can't quite place it. you stare at the images flooding by outside the window. sometimes there is a great spectacle of people and excitement; sometimes there is just the bare road and an empty field. sometimes your thoughts drift and you don't notice what you're looking at, or you hear bits of the conversation from the front seat. the memory of where you started fades as everything passes by. you feel safe and content, although you aren't sure why, since you know neither your destination nor why you are going there. the world is blurred by raindrops on the window that make light bounce off the sky and dazzle your eyes. you try to make sense of what you see but the images come too fast, all you can do is let them hit you.

sometimes i feel like that's what my life is.

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