tabula rasa
27 January 2003 - 3:27 pm

this is the first day of school. i spent a lot of money on books today. so many books. i'm really excited about them. here are my books for humanities 220:
Flaubert: Madame Bovary
Alain Corbin: Women for Hire
Baudelaire: Paris Spleen
T.J. Clark: The Painting of Modern Life
Wagner: The Valkyrie
M. Owen Lee: Wagner�s Ring: Taking the Sky Round
Benedict Anderson: Imagined Communities
Nietzsche: Genealogy of Morals
Gauguin: Noa Noa
Conrad: Heart of Darkness
Freud: The Freud Reader
Kafka: The Complete Stories
Marc Ferro: The Great War, 1914-1918
Paul Fussell: The Great War and Modern Memory
Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway
Lenin: The Lenin Reader
Brecht: Mother Courage
Michael Burleigh: The Third Reich: a New History
Primo Levi: Survival in Auschwitz

those are just the required books. there's also a big packet of copied essays by various people that cost $50! i have equally large stacks of books for my other 3 classes. i practically doubled the amount of books i own. i found out that one of my anthro classes, Signs, is cross-listed as a linguistics class, and it's a 400 level class. that's going to kill me. half of the books for it are about linguistics, which i know very little about.

now i have to go get a bunch of people to sign all my forms so i can switch majors and advisors. i got my final anthro paper back today, and i don't think i've ever had such nice things written on a paper. it might be the best paper i've ever written. i'm so glad it turned out good, i feel like this might actually be possible.

on saturday, after staying up all night & my head still in outer space, i took the bus to downtown to go to the sheet music store by powell's. i picked up the orchestral score of "tabula rasa" by arvo part, that i'd ordered a while ago. it cost $35. i can't believe i spent $35 on a score. but i'm obsessed with that piece, and it felt like that's the closest i can possibley get to the music. kind of like having sex with it. i really can't get any closer now unless i learned to play violin.

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