clothing was simple, they dressed in hunger and woe.
09 January 2003 - 11:28 pm

i think i know what classes i'm taking this semester. modern humanities, which is a yearlong course, we ended with marx and we're starting with madame bovary. then 3 anthropology classes. [anthro webpage with course descriptions.] 320 Communism and After: Ethnography of a Strange World. 352 Anthropology of Europe. 430 Signs. Donna pointed out that Language and Ideology would be a good class, and now i can't decide if i should take that instead of communism. hum. either way, it's going to fucking awesome. lately everyone has been pointing out omens and signs to me, and today i talked to todi on the phone and he said that ella is majoring in anthropology at UBC. maybe that's a sign that i made the right choice, because i love ella.

yesterday i took a long walk around ladd's addition and was inspired to take the hawthorne bus to downtown to get botany books from powell's. i got How to Identify Plants by H.D Harrington, a charming book written in the 50's that someone republished with a pretty yellow cover. it has little drawings of leaves and flowers and fruit. i also got Trees and Nonflowering Plants, which has color illustrations of trees, plants, bushes, mushrooms, algae, and moss (i love moss!). i now own 4 books devoted to trees and/or plants.

today i did some drugs and lay around on donna's bed talking while she worked. after a while the nausea hit and i vomited the food i'd eaten 8 hours earlier. after donna left for the ohm i got rid of the rest of it, then all the water i drank, then dry heaves. at least i know there's nothing left. and there's no point in drinking more water.

here is another quote from within the context of no context. this book conitnues to amaze me, it's absolutely brilliant. random quotes really can't get it across, but here's part of the insanity.

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I'm a lady and I'm going to list all the different kinds of whores. There's this whore and that whore and this one who pretends to be a lady. Isn't that funny? Aren't ladies dumb? But I'm a lady. Are you sure I'm a lady? Of course I'm a lady. I'm a lady because I know what a whore does. I know the way a whore walks into the Beverly Hills Hotel. Don't you love the Beverly Hills Hotel? Don't you love the way they know me at the Beverly Hills Hotel? Don't you love the way you feel when you don't know if I like you or not? Don't you love the way you feel when you don't know if you want to be a whore or not? Would you like to be a whore? Would you like to have me arrange for you to be a whore? Am I arranging it now?

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