there was never a time when i did not exist
04 January 2003 - 12:05 am

botany is something i should learn more about. also, music for airports.

it looks like i'm going to MN sometime this month, probably the 9th-16th. my mom found an insanely cheap plane ticket, almost as cheap as the bus. i will come and say hi to my minneapolis friends. i bet it's cold there. and i will finally go to a doctor about my eyes, because although i am able to do many complex and challenging tasks i have proven unable to make an appointment to find out what is wrong with my fucking eyes. my mom is good for things like that. and gardens.

today it rained and i wore my new green converse when i walked to hawthorne, because my red ones have started to leak. the green ones aren't really new, they've just been in my closet for the past year and i've only worn them a few times. they didn't leak but they were kind of stiff. i like to stop at the antique stores and gift shops and look at everything and consider buying various things but then leave without buying anything. i walked around one store for about 20 minutes holding a sparkley scarf that i liked. it cost $2 but i left without buying it, and i'm still the same person i was when i went into the store, the person who lacks that scarf. i just didn't know it then.

donna met me and we read books at powell's, and while we were sitting there we noticed an old man with a crutch yelling at the counter person. the old man had been bothering a customer and the counter person asked him to leave, and the old man started yelling that he was going to have his friend chop off the guy's head, and he said "you've been following me, i know you... i'm going to get some federal marshalls to arrest you..." i couldn't hear all of it but the counter person was calm and agreed with everything the old man said, but kept asking him to leave. as the old man was walking past me, he turned around and said "and you know what? everything i said is true. my child, my friend, knows how to chop off people's heads, i taught him how! he's going to come and kill you!" and then he left.

while we were walking home we saw m.'s car outside a record store and went in and talked to him, but he was distracted by an enthusiastic salesperson handing him records. he told me our bikes are still at his house. then we left and walked home.

i'm reading "trout fishing in america" by richard brautigan. i'm going to start sprinkling my text with ridiculous similes and metaphors the way a tall palm tree would sprinkle water on you if you stood underneath it and shook the trunk right after a storm, assuming you were inside for the storm and weren't already soaked.

love, becky

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