party for the people of the open wound
26 October 2002 - 7:45 pm

m. got an $80 jester costume and he's running around talking in a silly voice... donna is straightening her hair... there are some suspicious teenage girls on the back porch... dave just got back from the store. "are we going to have a wild night?" someone invited us to a party but none of us have costumes. i have a paper due monday and i had a photo project due tuesday so i was really stressed out, but since no one could get into the darkroom over break the teacher postponed the duedate until thursday.. so suddenly it seems managable, just finish the paper by monday... i'm analyizing a ritual.

last night donna and i went to the hotcake house with andrew (her ex) and his girlfriend. donna was pretty talkative but they seemed uncomfortable.. maybe because she kept describing some disturbing porn she saw. it was fun though, we ate gross pancakes and got beach boys songs on the jukebox.

it was chilly out today when i walked to the grocery store, and there are finally leaves on the sidewalk. it still hasn't started raining yet, i guess it's usually around the end of october.. then it doesn't stop forever. winter in portland is wet and green and vivid. the grass is greener than in the summer, and treetrunks and rooftops are black and the pavement is black and glistening. winter in the midwest is grey but here it's green. when i came back after christmas my first year here, it felt like spring in january. i always forget during the summer that portland isn't really portland unless everything is wet.

hope, it once was manifest. it may have come and gone--at least we saw it once and it wasn�t lost on anyone.

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