let's just keep touching, let's just keep singing.
08 October 2002 - 10:55 pm

well, i made it to class on 2 hours of sleep. i even went to my second class, photography, and sustained a 2 hour discussion of the scientific revolution, read kant, made lots of copies, and watched 2 hours of "the marriage of figaro" by mozart, for my humanities class. i didn't think it would be very exciting, since it's opera, but it was really good-- the music and singing was beautiful, and the story was really funny. it made me want to wear white dresses. it's strange, sometimes when i get no sleep i'm more awake than on days when i got enough sleep.

all my classes fit together in multiple ways. i'm reading kant in 2 classes and discussing him in a third. in anthro and art history we've discussed structuralism and deconstruction. my photography readings are always about anthropology. i've talked about roland barthes in 3 classes. all my classes besides art history have talked about the scientific revolution, descartes, empiricism, etc etc. and my postmodernism readings always connect with my photo projects.

i keep connecting all the ideas back and forth and almost finding something solid to hold onto, some grand meaning or purpose. it almost fits together like a puzzle but less simple. it's like a sentence that constantly implies its reverse. if you look at it this way it all opens up, but if you flip it over the truth turns inside out and there's a shift in meaning. my brain hurts sometimes. there are so many places where things connect. i want to made a 5 dimensional idea hypercube so it will make some sense. the dimensions would be 1. chronology, 2. location, 3. divisions of knowledge, 4. historical events, 5. schools of thought

i never thought you'd be a junkie because heroin is so passe.

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